September 26, 2014 (First Ultrasound!)
First ultrasounds were done transvaginally on Friday, September 26, 2104. The purpose of these ultrasounds were to (1) confirm pregnancy and to (2) estimate birth date. According to the ultrasound, the estimated due date was May 6, 2015. Based on last menstrual period, due date would be May 7.
Robert and I didn't know what to expect from the first ultrasounds. We were both very excited. Throughout the ultrasound, Robert and the technician kept referring to the little "peanut" on the screen as a "he." Christina kept crying, "Stop referring to it as a 'he'?!" At this time, we didn't know the sex.
Robert showed much "wonderment" and was all around "in awe" with the ultrasound. He would keep going "Awwwwe," and kept on saying "He's so cute," and "Oh my gosh, he looks like a teddy bear." Hank did look like a miniature teddy bear. His nubby hands and feet were spastically opening and closing.
Click Here for More Ultrasound Pictures!